Gardening is a wonderful hobby, but it can also be time-consuming and sometimes costly. Here are 50 incredible garden hacks to save you both time and money, allowing you to focus on enjoying your green sanctuary.

  1. Use Eggshells: Eggshells not only deter pests but also add calcium to the soil when they decompose.

  2. Homemade Compost: Don’t waste money on fertilizers when you can make your own compost from kitchen scraps.

  3. Regrow Vegetables: Certain veggies like lettuce, celery, and onions can be regrown from scraps.

  4. Coffee Grounds: Coffee grounds enrich the soil and deter pests.

  5. Newspaper Weed Barrier: Lay down newspaper before mulching to prevent weeds.

  6. Rain Barrels: Collect rainwater in barrels to save on your water bill.

  7. DIY Seed Starters: Use toilet paper rolls or egg cartons as biodegradable seed starters.

  8. Vinegar Weed Killer: Use a mixture of vinegar, salt, and dish soap as a natural weed killer.

  9. Baking Soda for Sweeter Tomatoes: Sprinkle baking soda around your tomato plants to lower acidity levels.

  10. Mulch: Mulching your garden reduces water loss from the soil and suppresses weed growth.

  11. DIY Mini Greenhouse: Repurpose plastic containers (like salad boxes) as mini greenhouses for seedlings.

  12. Cinnamon on Seedlings: Sprinkle cinnamon on seedlings to prevent fungus.

  13. Epsom Salts: Add Epsom salts to your soil for magnesium-boosted plants.

  14. Vertical Gardening: Grow vertically to save space and maximize yield.

  15. Succession Planting: Plant crops at different times to always have something ready to harvest.

  16. Companion Planting: Certain plant pairs help each other grow and deter pests.

  17. DIY Pest Sprays: Make homemade pest sprays using ingredients like garlic, pepper, or dish soap.

  18. Chop-and-Drop Mulching: Cut back plants and leave the cuttings to decompose as a natural mulch.

  19. Plant Perennials: Save money by planting perennials that will come back year after year.

  20. Grow from Seed: Growing plants from seed is much cheaper than buying seedlings or mature plants.

  21. Reuse Water: Use cooking water or aquarium water to water plants. They’ll love the nutrients!

  22. Plant Drought-Resistant Plants: They require less watering.

  23. Recycle Greywater: Use greywater from your home to water your garden.

  24. Milk Jug Watering Can: Poke holes in the cap of a milk jug to create a watering can.

  25. Beer Slug Trap: Use beer to lure and drown pesky slugs.

  26. Compost Tea: Make a nutrient-rich “tea” from compost for your plants.

  27. DIY Trellis: Build your own trellis from reclaimed materials.

  28. Mow Less: Let your grass grow longer to encourage beneficial insects and reduce water need.

  29. Reuse Coffee Filters: Place them in pots to prevent soil from falling out the drainage hole.

  30. Use Garden Apps: There are many free apps to remind you when to plant and how to care for plants.

  31. Soak Seeds: Soak seeds before planting to encourage faster germination.

  32. Chopsticks for Support: Use chopsticks to support small plants and seedlings.

  33. Reuse Tea Bags: They add nutrients to the soil and can deter pests.

  34. Free Mulch: Many towns offer free mulch to residents. Check with your local waste facility.

  35. Soap Deer Repellant: Hang bars of fragrant soap to deter deer.

  36. DIY Plant Markers: Use popsicle sticks or painted stones as plant markers.

  37. Cooking Water for Fertilizer: The water used to boil veggies is rich in nutrients.

  38. Make Leaf Mold: Shredded leaves make great mulch or compost.

  39. Prevent Dirt Under Nails: Scratch a bar of soap before gardening to prevent dirt from getting under your nails.

  40. Grow Compost Crops: Certain plants, like comfrey, can be grown specifically for adding to the compost pile.

  41. Plant Natives: Native plants will thrive with less care and water.

  42. Recycle Broken Pots: Use broken clay pots for drainage in planters.

  43. Solarize Soil: Cover soil with a plastic sheet in summer to kill pests, weed seeds, and disease.

  44. Dry Herbs in Car: On a hot day, your car can serve as a dehydrator for herbs.

  45. Extend Growing Season: Use cloches or row covers to protect plants from frost and extend the growing season.

  46. Bottle Drip Irrigation: Fill a bottle with water and invert it near a plant for slow drip irrigation.

  47. Start a Worm Bin: Worm castings are an excellent soil amendment.

  48. Self-Cleaning Plants: Some plants, like daylilies, don’t require deadheading.

  49. Grasscycling: Leave grass clippings on the lawn after mowing to provide nutrients.

  50. Use a Gardening Apron: Stay organized and prevent frequent trips to the shed by wearing a gardening apron with pockets for tools.

Remember, every garden and gardener is unique. What works for one may not work for another. The best way to learn is to experiment, see what works best in your garden, and, most importantly, have fun doing it. Happy gardening!

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